Diophant Ancient Measures Converter is a freeware Digital Humanities Programming project completed. It is a converter for ancient measures for Microsoft Windows(TM) operating systems. Use it for educational or scholastic purposes or as a game for entertainment.
The Diophant Ancient Measures Converter will calculate and convert in approximation most Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Late Ottoman units of measure from one unit into another and into modern units. Moreover, some Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian units are included.
Click in Unit A input box and type a number. Then, choose a unit from the Unit A list box located just below the Unit A input box. For ease of identification, a number in ascending order precedes every unit in the list boxes. Choose the unit to convert to from Unit B list box located beside the equal sign. The result is presented in the Unit B output box. The same result in modern measures is shown in the boxes below it. Unit A and B output boxes at the bottom of the Diophant tab window show the number of the smallest units contained in the units you have chosen to convert from and convert to in the software. Every calculation is copied to the clipboard and it is available to any other program (with 'Edit\Paste' command or keys 'Ctrl+V') you may have installed (e.g. a text editor) until you make a new calculation.
In order to convert the modern unit result into other modern units, please use the free program 'Convert' by Joshua F. Madison.
Use the 'Greek Length' tab to convert 10 plethron units into condylos units.
Type number 10 in the Unit A input box and choose the unit 28-Plethron in the Unit A list box. Now choose the unity 02-Condylos in the Unit B list box. The result should be that 10 plethron equal 8000 condylos, 320 meters (8000 by 0.04 m.) or 1049.866 feet in the imperial system. The Unit A bottom box shows that a plethron contains 1600 daktylos (smallest unit in the Greek length measures) and the Unit B bottom box that the condylos contains 2 daktylos.
In order to find just the equivalent of an ancient measure in modern units select in both the A and B Unit list boxes the same unit. For example, in order to find the equivalent of 10 daktylos in meters just select in both A and B Units the '1-Daktylos' unit. The result will be 0.2 m. or 0.656 ft.